Tuesday, November 02, 2004

chanson (written june 1988, found october 1996)
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full moon, statue and palm tree (v2)
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full moon, statue and palm tree
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in my mind
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untitled (a love poem)
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folsom street and a triptych sky (v3, v4)
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folsom street and a triptych sky (v1, v2)
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maps and legends
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canto 1: another dream (later that night)
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the week in flowers
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canto 1: another dream (panorama)
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sophie: dancing lightly a lone dancer (w/ a broken arm)
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the end of the ride
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what eliot forgot (complete)
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miriam's birds (pine orange)
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miriam's birds (yellow blocks)
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miriam's birds (pink white)
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miriam's birds (blue blue)
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sunday, a vaiegated bouganvelia
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saturday flower really
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friday, cochleanthes & zen
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for thursday, the clover
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regular wednesday flower
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tuesday afternoon, abutilon flowers
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monday morning, french tulips
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what eliot forgot (panel 4 of 4)
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what eliot forgot (panel 3 of 4)
this image is copyrighted. do not reproduce without permission.

what eliot forgot (panel 2 of 4)
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what eliot forgot (panel 1 of 4)
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